盐酸普鲁卡因:「新乜鬼野年呀,咪又係捱世界」 // 當年既UFO真係拍乜都會有陣中產味同人情味
空中的鱼:小时候只觉得很好看,长大才懂 好看在哪。一个蛇妖居然比人还会做人。虽然是一部神话剧,从主角到配角却极其生活化 写实化,我在废土世界扫垃圾还有点群像戏的意思,可见编剧下了功夫。很喜欢用心写故事的人。
烫壶子:"Whatever else Breathless is, it’s a Valentine to two impossibly young, eminently watchable faces. They’re not especially beautiful, but the camera can’t stop looking at them. To put it another way, Breathless is an extended close-up of two people who will never get to know each other or themselves any better than the viewer does." "I’m going to outstare you. Bit it was more than just a staring contest between me and the camera. My relation to the camera, it had nothing to do with complicity to insolence, or boldness or defiance." — From The Journals of Jean Seberg